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This page is a comprehensive list of all of Plex's permission nodes. Note that some of them (such as world entry and modification) are defined by the server config and may vary.


adminchatplex.adminchatAdminTalk privately with other admins
adminN/AOPManage all admins
adminworldplex.adminworldAdminTeleport to the adminworld
adventureplex.gamemode.adventureOPSet your own gamemode to adventure mode
adventureplex.gamemode.adventure.othersAdminSet another player's gamemode to adventure mode
banplex.banAdminBans a player, offline or online
blockeditplex.blockeditAdminPrevent players from modifying blocks
commandspyplex.commandspyAdminSpy on other player's commands
consolesayplex.consolesayAdminDisplays a message to everyone
creativeplex.gamemode.creativeOPSet your own gamemode to creative mode
creativeplex.gamemode.creative.othersAdminSet another player's gamemode to creative mode
pdebugplex.debugExecutivePlex's debug command
deopallN/AAdminDeop everyone on the server
deopN/AAdminDeop a player on the server
entitywipeplex.entitywipeAdminRemove various server entities that may cause lag, such as dropped items, minecarts, and boats.
flatlandsplex.flatlandsOPTeleport to the flatlands
freezeplex.freezeAdminFreeze a player on the server
kickplex.kickAdminKicks a player
listplex.listOPShow a list of all online players
localspawnplex.localspawnOPTeleport to the spawnpoint of the world you are in
lockupplex.lockupAdminLockup a player on the server
masterbuilderworldplex.masterbuilderworldOPTeleport to the masterbuilderworld
mobpurgeplex.mobpurgeAdminPurge all mobs.
muteplex.muteAdminMute a player on the server
namehistoryplex.namehistoryOPGet the name history of a player
notesplex.notesAdminManage notes for a player
opallN/AAdminOp everyone on the server
opN/AOPOp a player on the server
plexN/AImpostorShow information about Plex
plex redisplex.redisSenior AdminTests your Redis database to ensure Plex can reach it
plex reloadplex.reloadSenior AdminReload Plex
plex modules reloadplex.modules.reloadExecutiveReload Plex's modules
punishmentsplex.punishmentsAdminOpens the Punishments GUI
rankN/AOPDisplays your rank
rawsayplex.rawsaySenior AdminDisplays a message to everyone
removeloginmessageplex.removeloginmessageAdminRemove your own (or someone else's) login message
sayplex.sayAdminDisplays a message to everyone
setloginmessageplex.setloginmessageAdminSets your (or someone else's) login message
smiteplex.smiteAdminSomeone being a little bitch? Smite them down...
spectatorplex.gamemode.spectatorOPSet your own gamemode to spectator mode
spectatorplex.gamemode.spectator.othersAdminSet another player's gamemode to spectator mode
survivalplex.gamemode.survivalOPSet your own gamemode to survival mode
survivalplex.gamemode.survival.othersAdminSet another player's gamemode to survival mode
tagplex.tagOPSet or clear your prefix
tagplex.tag.clear.othersAdminClear another player's prefix
tempbanplex.tempbanAdminTemporarily ban a player
totalfreedommodN/AOPYou can't simpy do that.
toggleplex.toggleAdminAllows toggling various server aspects through a GUI
unbanplex.unbanAdminUnbans a player, offline or online
unfreezeplex.unfreezeAdminUnfreeze a player
unmuteplex.unmuteAdminUnmute a player
worldplex.worldOPTeleport to a world.

BukkitTelnet Module

plex.telnet.autoconnectAdminAllow automatically connecting to telnet without a password

Guilds Module

guildplex.guilds.guildOPGuild menu
guild chatplex.guilds.chatOPToggles guild chat or sends a guild chat message
guild createplex.guilds.createOPCreates a guild with a specified name
guild homeplex.guilds.homeOPTeleports to the guild home
guild infoplex.guilds.infoOPShows the guild's information
guild inviteplex.guilds.inviteOPInvites a player to the guild
guild ownerplex.guilds.ownerOPSets the guild owner
guild prefixplex.guilds.prefixOPSets the guild's default prefix
guild sethomeplex.guilds.sethomeOPSets the guild's home
guild setwarpplex.guilds.setwarpOPCreates a new warp at player's location with a specified name
guild warpsplex.guilds.warpsOPDisplays a clickable list of warps
guild warpplex.guild.warpOPWarps to a specified guild warp

HTTPD Module

plex.httpd.admins.accessAdminAllows seeing IP addresses of admins. Anyone can view the page regardless of permissions
plex.httpd.indefbans.accessAdminAllows accessing the indefinite bans. This permission is required to view the page at all.
plex.httpd.punishments.accessAdminAllows seeing IP addresses of punishments. Anyone can view the page regardless of permissions
plex.httpd.schematics.uploadAdminAllows uploading schematics to the HTTPD if the permission system is enabled.

LibsDisguises Module

disguisetoggleplex.libsdisguises.disguisetoggleAdminToggle LibsDisguises
undisguiseallplex.libsdisguises.undisguiseallAdminUndisguise all players
undisguiseallplex.libsdisguises.bypassAdminBypass being undisguised. This can be overridden regardless of permission with the `-a` flag.

NUSH Module

nushplex.nush.commandAdminToggle NUSH on or off.